
We are a diverse, multi disciplinary and international team. What connects us is creativity and a passion for languages.


Our linguistic collaborators are working on multilingual books with content suggestions provided by our datasets and algorithms.

Siniša Zdravković

An award winning translator of ancient Catalan philosophical text into Serbian. He played a crucial role in initial website development by providing Spanish – English annotations based on which we generalized our ML models.

He is working on a Spanish-English multilingual book.

Jelena Antonijević

A translator and court interpreter. An English teacher and instructor. She is writing an English-Spanish book for language learning.

Paolo Frassine

A polyglot and a linguist, also an author and contributor to EasyGlot (EZGlot).
He is also writing a Spanish-Italian book.

Siniša Janevski

A poet and an engineer, writing a multilingual Serbian-English book.


Рыжова Ольга

An autodidact, and an illustrator.


Gerard De Melo

AI scientist who jump started this project with generous datasets, and provided numerous invaluable insights.

Vladimir Bradić

A tech guy who loves books, has contributed with ETL and numerous website features.

Lazar Kovačеvić

Digital nomad who encountered language barrier communication problems in some countries and came up with an idea to make language learning easier.

Join us!

We are always welcoming to new collaborations, whether they are technical in nature, or on a more creative side of content creation. If you have ideas about PR and marketing, you are also welcome to reach out!

Guest Posts

If you are a polyglot you can register and share your insights with eager learners. Make sure your writing matches the level of quality found in already published articles as your contribution will be reviewed by our team before publication. If you have any questions or have/want a feedback, feel free to contact us.